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For a happy, well-behaved dog.
in home dog training Sydney, Positive Pet dog training, dog behaviour, dog psychology. Professional, Experienced, Insured. Sydney dog Trainer: Sydney City, Inner West, Eastern & Southern Beaches & Suburbs, North Sydney & North Shore areas! Sydney Metro Area! * Private dog training * Puppy Training * dog training basics * obedience dog training * dog agression (reactive) * in Sydney * * Puppy training * puppy socialization *eastern suburbs * sydney puppy Puppy
Professional Member: Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia
FREE training treats for every client!
Does your DOG annoy you with any of the following behaviours?
* Not listen to you/ignores you?
* Pulls on lead?
* Not come when called?
* Jumps up on people?
* Displays inappropriate, annoying or embarrassing behaviour when out and about?
* Displays Aggressive or Reactive behaviours?
* Not house toilet trained?
* Has Separation Anxiety?
* Suffers from Motion Sickness or afraid of car travel?
* Needs basic obedience?
* Exhibits destructive behaviour?
* Barking constantly?
* Are you expecting a Baby, and not sure how your dog will cope?
Dogology® has structured training programs for any behavioural problem, regardless of the dogs’ age or breed, and recommends Puppy Training for all puppies.
We have a program for first time dog owners, and for "rescued" dogs, too!
WHY DO DOGS MISBEHAVE? In general, the main contributing factor is lack of leadership. Without clearly defined guidelines, the dog will make up its own set of rules to cope in any given situation, leading to inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour.
At Dogology®, we teach you how to communicate with your dog using respect, encouragement, praise and affection, utilising the scientific principles of DOGMANSHIP. You will have a happy, well-behaved dog!
Established April 2002
Dog Training in Sydney, Eastern Suburbs, Eastern Beaches, Southern Suburbs/Beaches, Inner West, and North Shore areas! General Sydney Metropolitan Area! Train your dog with Dogology ® Positive Dog Training Solutions! In-home pet dog training - a positive structured learning experience for you and your dog! Sydney Metro Dog Training, Puppy Training, Obedience Behaviour Training.
Puppy Dog Training with Dogology ® Positive Dog Training Solutions. A fun and comprehensive program for you and your Puppy!
Visit Dogology® on FACEBOOK
Dog training with Dogology® is easy! We use and recommend Love'em Liver treats - Show 'em how much you love 'em! Some of the demograohic areas we cover: Alexandria, Banksmeadow, Beaconsfield, Botany, Bondi, Bondi Jucntion, Bronte, Chifley, Clovelly, Coogee, Coogee South, Daceyville, Eastgardens, Eastlakes, Green Square, Hillsdale, Kensington, Kingsford, La Perouse, Little Bay, Malabar, Maroubra, Mascot, Matraville, Moore Park, Paddington, Pagewood, Phillip Bay, Rosebery, Tamarama, Waterloo, Waverley, Woollahra, Zetland. Also the following areas: Lower North Shore, Inner West, Kogarah, Rockdale, Sutherland Shire. Other areas by request! Dogology® does not endorse or support any of the paid adds or pop-ups that may appear on your screen. Dogology® is the REGISTERED TRADEMARK world wide of Janene Branc. Its use is prohibeted to any other person/business.
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